Your Giving Creates Conservation Change
Floods Ravage the Land
ISSUE: Record flooding destroyed farms and towns this spring as well as key energy infrastructure, threatening drinking water supplies.
HOW LIGHTHAWK HELPS: We responded quickly to document the destruction and built public awareness.
WHAT’S NEXT: LightHawk photos will be used by American Rivers and Waterkeeper Alliance to influence river management and inspire people to restore natural river systems

Matchmaking Made Mexican Wolf Puppies!
ISSUE: Mexican wolves are top predators. They are at risk of extinction without captive breeding programs.
HOW LIGHTHAWK HELPS: We deliver Mexican wolves to breeding centers to ensure their survival and a healthy gene pool.
WHAT’S NEXT: We’ll continue to partner with species recovery organizations to restore a wild population of at least 320 Mexican wolves.

Yes, that Rotten Egg Marsh Matters
ISSUE: Coastal marshes protect cities from hurricane damage and act as sealife nurseries. They are disintegrating into the sea.
HOW LIGHTHAWK HELPS: Our partnerships with researchers will help create permanent protection for an important marsh laboratory on the Maine coast.
WHAT’S NEXT: Safeguard the ‘lobster nursery’ marshes that support a world renowned industry and way of life in Maine, and protect coastal communities from storm damage.

Dam We’re Doing Good!
ISSUE: Hydropower dams on rivers can hurt water quality and block fish from traveling upstream to lay eggs.
HOW LIGHTHAWK HELPS: We change hearts and minds to support dam removal across the nation. We also work with partners to monitor how waters and lands change after dams are removed.
WHAT’S NEXT: We are creating change on both coasts to remove harmful dams, improve water quality and support fish populations.

We can’t pursue our important conservation work without funding. Please consider making a gift to LightHawk.