Catch up on the latest LightHawk news Join us in Bend, Oregon this October for our Annual Meeting & Fly-In On October 27-29, 2023, LightHawk volunteer pilots, conservation partners, staff and guests will gather for our Annual Meeting & Fly-In. We're excited to get together once again to reconnect with friends and colleagues in a beautiful location. Join us in Bend, Oregon to celebrate our accomplishments, learn from each other and look ahead to the future. We'll have presentations from aviation experts, conservation partners and more over the course of the weekend along with the usual Volunteer Pilot Awards and dinner featuring a special keynote speaker. Location Riverhouse on the Deschutes Featured mission: Documenting OSV use in Idaho backcountryPhoto by Michael Short and George Gehrig Last month, LightHawk partnered with the Inland Empire Task Force and WildEarth Guardians to document the use of over-snow vehicles (OSVs) in remote areas and the potential impact they are having on local wildlife. This mission was particularly important as large areas such as northern Idaho's Cabinet Mountains have rarely been surveyed for snow tracks. Despite this, the Forest Service is considering the designation of areas and trails for the use of these vehicles. The use of over-snow vehicles (OSV) is noticeably increasing for recreational use in different parts of the country. During winter months, enthusiasts travel to remote places such as the mountains of the Selkirks and the Cabinets in northwest Montana and the northern portion of the Idaho Panhandle due to their remoteness and abundant snow. Photo by Michael Short and George Gehrig The flight showed extensive OSV use of remote areas and documented entry into areas that do not allow motorized use. Partner Adam Rissien, the Re-Wilding Manager for WildEarth Guardians said, "Photos taken are being used to comment on Kaniksu Winter Rec Environmental Assessment, as well as to educate our supporters, decision-makers and reporters about the need to better manage OSV use." The increase in demand for these remote places has increased the pressure to high elevation winter wildlife such as grizzly bears, wolverines, and Canada lynx. Adding to that pressure, the snow line has receded and the season has shortened, mainly due to climate change. Photo by Michael Short and George Gehrig OSVs can harass wildlife in these delicate ecosystems, increasing their stress levels and, in some cases, cause them to leave the area during a time of year when they need to conserve energy. Grizzly bears, for example, hibernate during this time and OSV disturbances can make them interrupt this important part of their lifecycle. In the case of wolverines, these animals give birth during February and March, overlapping the peak of OSV season. Disturbance created by these vehicles can make them abandon their dens and pups, impacting an already depleted population. The flight was conducted by Rick Durden, who not only provided great support during the flight, but also "watched the weather closely and chose the right day, after a busy weekend which allowed documentation of high levels of OSV use along with incredible photos of the Selkirks and Cabinets', mentioned Paul Sieracki from Inland Empire Task Force. Photo by Michael Short and George Gehrig LightHawk in the NewsPhotos: US mulls water cuts amid Colorado River crisis | Environment News | Al Jazeera Photos: US mulls water cuts amid Colorado River crisis | Environment News | Al Jazeera Five key things to know about the Colorado River | Environment News | Al Jazeera Within the Colorado River crisis, an opportunity | Water News | Al Jazeera LightHawk Photo of the MonthPhoto by Megan O'Toole and Jillian Kestler-D'Amours The view from the air above Lake Powell during a flight with journalists from Al Jazeera. Volunteer pilot Will Worthington flew the journalists over areas of the Colorado River to document the drought as part of a story about Native American tribes and water rights along the basin. To read the story, check the "In the News" section above. Romeo November: Romeo November: A LightHawk Story shares the story of one volunteer pilot and his dedication to the cause of conservation as he takes to the skies to tour three conservation projects with LigthHawk partners. View now by clicking the image above or on LightHawk's YouTube channel, Facebook page or website. Support LightHawk and make conservation fly! LightHawk's mission is as important today as it has ever been. Working with partners across the country, we're bringing the gift of aviation to conservation issues. Thanks to LightHawk and its community of volunteer pilots, our conservation partners are able to accomplish more, in less time - preserving important resources. Your gift lifts our wings and brings success to projects sooner. You can make conservation fly! |